Buy Organic Manuka Honey as it a natural honey product that has been certified Organic. There are many criteria to satisfy to be granted the Organic Certification and as such there aren’t many honeys on the market that are Organic, making the honey even more special.
One requirement for the Organic Certification includes that Apiary locations are not to be located within a 5 kilometer radius of pollution sources which may cause contamination of honey by returning and/or actively foraging bees. Such sources may include conventional orchards and crops, livestock dip sites, urban centres, sanitary landfills, garbage dumps, contaminated water, golf courses and GMO crops. This distance may be required to be larger where threats such as GMO crops exist which pose potential risk to production and end product in regard to GMO pollen.
This immediately reduces the amount of potential areas for the honeys to be produced.
When you buy Australia’s Manuka Honey it has to be tested at independent laboratories before it is packaged. This is to guarantee it contains high levels of NPA and MGO activity. NPA or Non Peroxide Activity is given a number rating regarding the antibacterial and therapeutic properties of Australia’s Manuka honey.
The magic ingredient in Australian Manuka honey is MGO which stands for methylglyoxal and is the naturally occurring compound that makes Manuka honey so unique. The value of the honey is directly proportional to this test result.
As not all honey contains the same goodness an MGO rating system has was introduced which measures natural compounds within the Australian MANUKA responsible for its unique antibacterial properties
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