Why Choose Australian Made Australian Products?
Australian Made – What is it? The Australian Made logo famous logo is the true mark of Australian authenticity and Australian Products. It is recognised and trusted as a country-of-origin symbol. Products that carry the logo need to be certified and are ‘genuinely Australian’. The most trusted symbol is the green and gold kangaroo. | ![]() |
A Prime Example: Australian Made Australian Grown (AMAG)
The AMAG logo can be used only on Australian products that meet the criteria of Australian Consumer Law and AMAG code of practice. This practice has been in place for more than 30 years, so it is beneficial for shoppers worldwide. This is because it instantly instils confidence into the buyer that the product has been made to the Australian Standard a globally recognised manufacturing standard. Another reason consumers find this logo helpful is for those who actively want to support Australian Made Products and Australian Businesses. Which means the company who made the product can employ more Australians. Which means more Australians have jobs and can support their family and even do more fun things in and around Australia. This has a positive ripple effect across the country. The company who manufactures the goods will also pay tax to the Australian government which means by supporting Australian Business we are quite literally supporting Australia, and this tax can be collected and used for hospitals, schools, infrastructure and even social care. All of this makes it attractive to buy Australian made or grown products.
There are some rules as a registered certification trademark. For instance, the certification trademark requires that one of these descriptors must be used in Australia. ‘Australian Made’, ‘Product of Australia’, ‘Australian Seafood or Australian’ (in export markets only) and ‘Product of Australia’.
It’s important to note that the words ‘made in Australia’ are somewhat ambiguous. There is no doubt that many people look for the label to indicate that the money they are spending will go towards local suppliers so our economy will grow. Then jobs are created in Australia, and we all reap the benefits. The research found that 9 out of ten people say that they would be more likely to buy products that are made in Australia.
But the rules around using “Made in Australia” has a fair amount of wiggle room. So, what does it mean when we see a product with the words ‘Made in Australia’. The sole criteria for making this claim is that the goods must have undergone their last substantial transformation in Australia. We need to ask the question ‘what does Substantially transformed mean?’ – “Goods are substantially transformed in a country if as a result of one or more processes undertaken in that country, the goods are fundamentally different in identity, nature or essential character from all of their ingredients or components that were imported into that country”. The simple process of packing or canning is not considered substantial transformations.
What this means is that part of the manufacturing process could occur offshore from non-Australian materials. This is fine if the final ‘substantial transformation’ happens in Australia, then it can be called ‘Made in Australia’.
We can feel assured that when a product has ‘Made in Australia’ on it, then a large part of the production has taken place in Australia. A significant portion of the process of transforming the goods into the product we purchase has happened in Australia. According to the AMCL, at least 50% of the cost of making the item has been spent in Australia.
To be able to claim ‘product of Australia’ – goods have to meet two rigorous criteria. 1. Each component or ingredient must originate from the country of the claim. 2. Virtually all or all of the production process must take place in Australia.
Australian Made: Why is it important?
Australians have very high standards when it comes to locally manufactured goods and imported products will not always meet Australian regulations. This means that our country has a reputation for producing and manufacturing some of the world’s highest quality products. Australian-made products also come with warranties and guarantees, which will ensure the protection of the consumer. Seeing the label of ‘Made in Australia’ allows us to feel confident in the quality of the products we are purchasing.

When we buy Australian products online or in stores, we are supporting locals and contributing to the economic prosperity and development in Australia. We are helping businesses and jobs.
We can feel confident in the quality of Australian products because of our high standards and strict regulations. Australia has a reputation for producing and manufacturing some of the worlds highest quality products.
Buying local means reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption as we have strict environmental protection policies. These policies must be followed during production.
When you buy Australian made products, you can get help and service without any trouble in contrast to overseas companies. Australian-made products come with warranties and guarantees, which will ensure the protection of the consumer.
Geographical proximity is also a bonus and means that you will more than likely receive your items faster than ordering overseas.

Did you Know?
Australians are a creative bunch of people. We have been responsible for some significant inventions over the last few hundred years.
Did you know that Australia has produced some pretty famous inventors? For example, over the past few hundred years, there have been some notable inventions.
1856 James Harrison – Refrigerator
1940 Fauldings pharmaceutical company – Zinc cream
1945 Lance Hill (design patented initially by Gilbert Toyne in 1926) Hills Hoist clothesline
1953 CSIRO – team led by Roger N Morse Solar hot water
1965 Jack Grant (Qantas) Inflatable escape slides
1980 Bruce Thompson (Caroma) Dual flush toilet
1992 Stephen Newman Multi-focal contact lens
1885 – Pavlova! There is only one aspect of this dispute that Australia and New Zealand agree on. The Name! Anna Pavlova was a much-admired Russian ballerina. Many chefs around the world named dishes after her. In 1926 she toured Australia and New Zealand. During this tour, both countries claimed different stories regarding creating a dish after her! It is believed that it was invented at a Perth hotel in 1926 when the dessert was declared ‘as light as Pavlova’ – hence the chef named the dessert ‘Pavlova’.
Sometimes Australian made products might be slightly higher in price than offshore items. This is because the cost of labour is more elevated. We should feel proud of workers’ fair treatment and workplace conditions, knowing they are valued higher than some other countries.
It’s essential to look for the registered trademark ‘Australian Grown’ or ‘Australian Made’. The most trusted symbol is green and gold kangaroo.
There is a ripple effect of purchasing Australian Made products which are vital in strengthening our national economy. A single transaction creates a ripple effect that will positively affect many segments which will overall strengthen the economy. The money spent remains within our economy which supports Australian Businesses and employees.
Australian Made – SoHealthy
It is important to us at SoHealthy that we prefer to collect the best quality Australian Made or grown products and trusted Australian made brands. We want our customers to have confidence in the quality of our products..
We believe that Australian manufacturers produce some of the best products in the world. When we sell Australian made goods, we are also supporting local jobs and our economy. As a proudly Australian company, we want to see our hardworking and talented countrywomen and men continue to thrive and build our nation. We are here to enhance people’s lives by making them healthier, happier!

Essential Things to Remember:
• Research, the company you are buying from to make sure they are who they say they are and are easily contactable.
• Do not be afraid to ask for certificates or query the product’s information if you have any doubts.
• Ensure that anything you put into your body comes from a reputable company with all the correct science and testing conducted.
• Watch out for marketing tricks.
• Keep a close eye on the manufacturer and country standards.
• If you are concerned about the products you purchased, do not use them without taking them to a certified lab to and getting them tested or analysed.
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