You may be wondering if these cleanse and detox are even worth it? Many people claim different ways to detoxify your body, whether it be Diet based, taking supplements or medications or even exercise. Which one would you select? Do detox diet even work? What are the health benefits of cleansing your body?

Too many questions needing answers? Don’t worry; this article will guide you with the details of cleansing and detoxing and its health effects.
What is a Detox?
They are claimed to take out the toxins from your body to give it a fresh start. Detox or Cleanse is generally a diet or cleanses that involves eliminating unwanted toxic substances in the human body by fasting, using supplements like herbs, teas, vegetable juices, fruit juices, or even water. It claims to rest your organs, improve blood circulation in the body. And it is also said to provide your body with healthy nutrients.

Doctors or other therapists generally recommend detox because of our potential exposure to unwanted substances in our everyday lifestyle like pollutants (air and water), heavy metals in our Diet, processed and packaged food with synthetic chemicals, caffeine, smoking, drinking alcohol and many more. Removing these substances from our body is said to improve our immunity and help with various other health problems like digestive issues, obesity, allergies, acne, bloating and many more.
How does detox work?
The human body can usually clear itself of most toxins with the help of liver, excretion and sweating. But due to many of our lifestyle choices, lack of proper food and pollutions, there are a few chemicals like heavy metals, persistent organic pollutants and BPA that these processes may not easily remove. Detoxing sometimes can also be simply just aiding your body to help release all these toxins.
There are different detox programs according to what toxin you want to remove from your body and how long and intensively you want to carry your detox. The most common ways to detox are as following:
Sleeping is a good detox for the body. Quality sleep for 7-9 hours per day can help your body detox as it recharges your body to remove toxic waste accumulated in the body throughout the day. For more tips on sleeping better, check out this article.
Decreasing salt intake
This detox includes not consuming salty foods. High salt intake can cause your body to retain more water in the body and prevents you from urinating, which causes the body to remove fewer waste products in the form of urination. Drinking more water helps as it dilutes the salt content in the body, allows the body to remove waste more frequently, and help reduce the chances of kidney failure.
Limiting Alcohol
The liver is responsible for several detoxifying and filtering many waste products in the body. This detox includes drinking minimal or no alcohol for a particular time. Alcohol directly affects the liver, and it can severely damage the liver by fat buildup and inflammation.
Fasting for a couple of days
Fasting is one of the most popular ways of detox, and it allows the body to processes nutrients/fat/waste that is usually not processed when we have a steady supply of nutrients (food) in our body. This process forces cells in our body to resort to other materials to produce energy.
Drinking fresh vegetable and fruit juices.
This type of detox includes just drinking vegetable or fruit juice for a couple of days and nothing else. This is done to reduce carb intake. These juices are usually packed with most of the vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants that we need in our day to day lives.
Drinking only specific liquids as lemon water or herbal tea.
Detox Tea, like Green tea, have been around for a long time. They are generally known as healthy beverages and are said to aid weight loss. Some detox tea is also said to have a laxative effect.
Taking supplements or herbs.
There are many supplements that claim to help with your detox journey. Whether it be for clear skin, a healthy abdomen or losing weight. Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the most common and easy home remedies for digestive problems and weight loss.
Exercising regularly.
Physical activities are one of the best ways for your body to detox. Exercising can help lower inflammation which allows your body to detoxify properly. The sweat produced is also an excellent way to remove toxins in the body.
Using Natural Products
Using and consuming natural or organic products is one of the best ways to make sure that you are not consuming or limiting any harmful substances like chemicals, plastic or preservatives which can cause harm to your body in the future.
Skin Detox Cleanse
Have you heard of skin cleanse or skin detox before? Basically, this means having a healthy diet and good hygiene and taking care of skin. There are different ways when taking care of your skin. Exfoliating, scrubbing, moisturising, using sunscreens, supplements are all part of it.
There is also this bundled product from Enervite called BioLax Bundle, which offers a natural cleanse and detox, aiding with the replenishment of your skin. This is a three-stage product that can be used individually as well.

Is Detox Effective? What are the health benefits of a detox?
After few clinical trials, some people report feeling better, a bit more focused and energetic after detox diets. However, there’s little medical evidence that detox diets actually remove toxins from the body. This might be because of the fact that cleansing the body eliminates sugars, fats and highly processed foods. Maybe people taking a break from all the unnecessary calories, alcohol makes them feel better after a couple of days. Maybe getting quality sleep constantly helps them feel better? Usually, with a proper daily intake of nutrients, the livers and kidneys are effective at filtering and eliminating the most toxic chemicals in the body.
Can Help with weight loss
Detox limiting carbs and cleansing the abdomen usually help with weight loss. Controlling the carb intake can help with maintaining your weight and control weight gain. Detox based on ACV can help with weight loss and a clear abdomen.
You get active
When you work out and produce sweat, you get rid of waste and toxins from your body. Doing this on a regular basis makes you more active, lose body weight and helps you to prevent cardiovascular diseases as well.
You stay hydrated
A strict diet consisting of teas, juices or lemon detox diet as dietary supplements make you stay hydrated. Staying hydrated has been associated with clear skin, a healthy abdomen, anti-ageing and helping the entire body.
Avoiding dietary sources of heavy metals
Using only natural or organic products/food, you’ll have fewer chances of ingesting heavy metals and BMO products present in processed foods.
Limiting stress and sleeping well
Quality sleep and a healthy diet can lead to more calm and relax life-limiting your stress. This is also said to make you feel more active and younger.
What Products can I use for Detox Cleanse?
Aside from using remedies like strictly vegetable diets, fasting, drinking water and limiting alcohol consumption, there are other ways you can detox. SoHealthy stocks many products that can help in your detox journey. From beautiful herbal teas to weight loss detox, liver detox, and skin cleanse and detox supplements SoHealthy has it all. Please look at a few of our products that will help you cleanse your body and help you start a new chapter in your healthy life.
Goli ACV Gummies: These gummies contain all the good benefits of ACV and added Vitamins and minerals. These gummies are great alternatives to consuming Apple Cider Vinegar for your Diet. ACV is a good supplement for immune health and body fat control.
Liver Detox Milk thistle: The liver is a detoxification organ; helping it and detoxifying the liver can lead to help your body recover faster. Milk thistle in this product is suitable for the liver as it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Some of the other products that you can use for detox are:
Side Effects of Detox Cleanse
It is crucial to consider possible side effects before your detox. There can be several side effects of detox, depending on the type of your cleanse. Fasting can cause severe calorie deficiency, which can lead to fatigue, electrolyte imbalance and weakness. Colon cleansing detox can sometimes cause dehydration, nausea and bloating. Overdosing is always a risk when going on a cleansing diet, as many products and detox foods in the detox industry don’t have clear labels and intake instructions. Many people are not careful when going on these diets can lead to blood sugar issues, such as heart disease, diabetes, insulin resistance and other health issue and chronic diseases.
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