Relieve Pain – 10 Natural ways

Are you, like many others, one of those people who will pop a pill to relieve pain? If so, it might be worth some of your time to look at a few of these effective natural pain relief suggestions. There is no doubt that dealing with pain can bring us down and we can feel desperate for relief. Some people find that medication does not always give them enough relief. They are looking for natural treatments to add to their standard treatments or even a replacement. Doctors don’t always understand pain. They do know that everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for another person. When it comes to treating pain, no single technique is guaranteed to produce complete pain relief. It might be that a combination of treatments will produce relief.
Natural pain relief remedies can ease symptoms or even prevent pain from developing. Even better is that a natural pain reliever solution does not have the nasty side effects that some drugs do. Taking drugs can increase the risk of stomach ulcers, liver damage, high blood pressure and the increased risk of a heart attack. Taking drugs often have nasty side effects. You may well ask the question: What are the best natural ways to relieve pain?
For hundreds of years people have used oils and herbs as alternative therapies as ntural pain relievers. It is suggested that some natural remedies can help. There are many natural ways to help relieve pain and we have only listed just a few.
Consider implementing some of these natural pain remedies into your life.
- Sleep Better. Studies have found that the biggest predictor for the development of pain was unrefreshing sleep! This is linked to a chronic pain condition, fibromyalgia. We need our sleep to repair tissues and secrete anti-inflammatory molecules. We need at least 8 hours a night of quality rest to help us feel better and help with muscle pain relief. If you are not sleeping up to 8 hours a night, it might be a good idea to implement a routine to help you get enough sleep.
- OMEGA 3 Fatty Acids. Healthy fats can reduce inflammation throughout the body. They can reduce swelling and pain. Some People reported that they felt a decrease in morning stiffness and tender joints after taking a omega 3 fatty acid supplement. Increasing Omega 3 in our diets is always a great option. Some healthy foods that are rich in Omega 3 include salmon, walnuts, eggs, flaxseed and soybeans.
- Spcies and Herbs. Herbs and spices are definitely used for more than just making our food taste good. They can be a natural painkiller.
Some wonderful herbs may help block enzymes that fuel the processing of inflammation and pain. They include cayenne, ginger, turmeric, onion and garlic. Also, rosemary and licorice root can help as well. Use fresh herbs to spice up your dishes and of course, fresh is always best.
- Antioxidants. Free radicals substances can damage cells and can contribute to chronic pain. Antioxidants compounds have been shown to help neutralize this. Include colourful fruits and vegetable with your meals and this may be things like spinach, raspberries, blueberries, kale, strawberries and peppers.
- Yoga and Aerobic Exercise. Some studies indicate that people who suffer from back or neck muscle pain who do Yoga two times a week reduced their discomfort by 56 per cent. Yoga positions increase our mobility and deep breathing relaxes us and can help in a deeper sleep. While Aerobic exercises help curb premenstrual pain, menopause discomfort and even headaches. It improves our mobility and gives a greater quality of life. Exercise is often associated with a decrease in arthritis joint pain. When we do exercise, it can reduce pain as it strengthens our muscles that support our joints. Exercise triggers our bodies to produce endorphins that relieve pain. There are so many types of exercise we can do and it will depend on our current fitness level. Start with a gentle exercise like pool exercise, walking or tai chi as they are considered gentle on our joints.
- Hypnosis. Studies show that there can be a decrease in an array of chronic pain conditions from Hypnosis. This includes fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. It is thought that Hypnosis will divert a person’s attention away from the pain and may also have an analgesic effect on the brain. Some find it a very effective natural pain reliever.
- Meditation. Experts say its easier to handle pain in a relaxed state. It’s a good idea to start with 20 minutes a day and gradually increase when you can. Practice deep breathing in a quiet place, along with mind meditation. This can also help with a better nights sleep.
- Massage. A good massage can be the ultimate indulgence. But it is more than just pampering. The slow deep strokes can target deep layers of muscle, which can promote flexibility and movement. It may help reduce pain and stiffness. Massage Therapy can ease aches and improve back function.
- Tai Chi. Chinese Movement Therapy Tai Chi is a mix of meditation and gentle movements which can reduce pain or fatigue and help with stiffness in people with arthritis, fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. It also helps peoples sense of well being.

- Acupuncture. Studies have shown that acupuncture therapy triggers a surge in pain-numbing endorphins and releases anti-inflammatory molecules. This can reduce swelling and help with healing resulting in muscle pain relief. Many acu-points are near our nerves so when they are stimulated, these nerves then cause a dull ache or feeling of fullness in the muscle. A message is sent to the central nervous system which causes the release of endorphins which can block the message of pain from beling delivered to the brain. Acupuncture may well be useful as an accompanying treatment for pain related conditions.

Many of us just put up with pain in our lives. Others take drugs to mask the pain so they can get on with their day. Pain is often part of our lives, wheather we like it or not! Pain is not completely going away anytime soon. There are thousands of people who are suffering from some form of pain every day across the world. The pain may be chroonic and acute.
We have listed some wonderful alternatives that might help with pain management. They are all-natural alternatives to drugs. Even implementing just a few into your busy life might just make a difference. It might be as simple as getting a better nights sleep or starting a gentle exercise routine or even getting an indulgent massage. Whatever your choice may be, it will still be a benefit to take time out to look after yourself a little better. The best treatments are the ones that fit in with your lifestyle because that means you might just have a better chance of sticking with it. Natural remedies may not be effective for everyone and we would never suggest substituting professional medical advice or treatment. It is always a good idea before trying any new treatment alternative to check with a doctor.
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