At SoHealthy we want you to know what you want to support your body. Able to know what helps when you experiencing something always helps. Whether it is through a supplement, a nice tea or even some tasty snacks. This article is all about the most general term in health and supplements that you must know. Knowing this will not only make you aware of what is happening in your body, but you will also learn to take care of it and love it. Here is a list of all supplements/term from A to Z that you need to know what you need. Happy learning.

A- Acai
Acai is probably one of the biggest names of this decade in terms of healthy food. Acai got famous from the Oprah Winfrey Show when doctor Dr Nicholas Perricone said it as the “number one superfood for age-defying beauty”. Since then, many companies have seen different acai products like acai bowls, acai powders, acai smoothies, acai yoghurts, acai ice cream, and many more.
Acai is a palm tree native to northern South America, and the fruits (berries) are purple. People use acai for high cholesterol, ED (erectile dysfunction), weight loss, and detoxification. Acai contains high amounts of antioxidants, which protect the body from the damaging effects of oxygen even more than other berries like cranberry, raspberry, strawberry. They also contain healthy fats and low amounts of sugar compared to other berries.
Suppose you would like to learn more about antioxidants. Click here.
B- Biotin
What is Biotin? Biotin is also known as Vitamin B7 or sometimes called vitamin H. It is an essential component of enzymes in the body that helps break down substances like fats, carbohydrates, protein, etc., into energy. Biotin deficiency usually causes symptoms like thinning of hair, red rashes around the facial area. Furthermore, biotin deficiency also affects the nervous system, causing depression, exhaustion, hallucinations and many more. Usually, this B-complex vitamin is linked to stronger nails, hair growth and healthy skin.
Biotin is usually found in dietary sources like red meat, eggs and nuts. Biotin deficiency is rare in humans as it is present in most of the food we eat. But due to people changing their dietary habits like going vegan or eating lots of processed foods. It is slowly becoming an issue.
Biotin is great for your skin, hair and your nails. Biotin is also present in biotin supplements and biotin shampoo. SoHealthy ranges a couple of great products and supplements that make sure that you get a sufficient amount of biotin in your diet. Here are some of the products that contain biotin.

C- Calcium
Calcium is an essential mineral for our bones and teeth. Almost all the calcium is stored in our bones and teeth, supporting their structure and hardness. Furthermore, the heart, nerves and muscles need calcium to work properly. Calcium is mainly taken to improve bone conditions and other conditions like muscle cramps, rickets, low bone density. Besides that, calcium is also provided to older adults to help retain teeth and reduce stroke and cancer risk. Calcium can also help women decrease PMS symptoms (PreMenstrual Syndrome), mood swings, bloating, and pain.
Calcium is found naturally in calcium-rich food like dairy foods like milk, yoghurt, and cheese. They are also present in soy products and some seeds and nuts.
Here are some products with high calcium that SoHealthy ranges which will help you with your calcium supplement.
D- Vitamin D
Vitamin D is naturally found in sunlight. During periods of sunlight, vitamin D is stored in fat and is released when daylight is gone. Vitamin D is essential to regulate the minerals like calcium and phosphorus found in our body. Vitamin D deficiency is a widespread problem nowadays as more people seek shade from the sun, knowing how harmful the UV rays can be for our skin. It is widespread in people who live around the northernmost part of the world where they don’t get enough sunlight. But now it has started to be seen in people in sunny climates as well. Part of this is because people prefer to stay indoors and are covering up when going outside in the sun. Research says that you only need to expose yourself to the sun for not even 10 mins 2-3 times a week to get sufficient vitamin D.
Not getting enough vitamin D can lead to depression, hair loss, bone loss, Fatigue and tiredness, low immunity and much more. Besides sun exposure, other sources of vitamin D is also found in livers, oily fish, egg yolks and red meat and other supplements.
Here is an article on how to boost your immune system.

E- Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus is a tree that is native to Australia. The eucalyptus leaves and eucalyptus oil are used to make different products and for many purposes. The leaves from eucalyptus trees are usually used for treating coughs and colds, asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, fever and upset stomach. The eucalyptus oil is not supposed to be taken or applied until it is diluted. The diluted eucalyptus oil can be used to reduce inflammation, coughs and other respiratory infections. It can also be used as antiseptics and be used as vaporiser fluids. It is also used as an insect repellent. Besides that, it is also used in cooking food as a flavouring agent, and it is also used in fragrances, toothpaste, antiseptic, cough drops and many more.
The eucalyptus tree or also known as Blue Gum Tree is native to Australia and cultivated worldwide. Traditionally used by the Australian Aboriginal people to treat pains, sinus, fever and colds is now used worldwide and caters to comprehensive needs of people’s everyday life.
Eucalyptus scent is also said to have a calming effect and provide a new working or relaxing environment for you. You can shop eucalyptus-scented candles and diffusers here.
F- Folic Acid
Folic Acid is a form of Vitamin B that occurs naturally in green vegetables, seaweed, and edamame. Folic Acid is needed for the proper development of the human body and is involved in producing DNA in the human body.
Folic Acid is used to prevent and treat complications like anaemia, kidney dialysis, liver disease and many more. Folic Acid is an essential supplement for women, especially pregnant women, because it helps prevent miscarriage and neural tube defects. Folic Acid also prevents increased blood pressures in pregnant women during pregnancy. Other uses for Folic Acid are for pimples, weak bones, gout. Some people even apply it to gums directly for treating gum infection.
Seaweed or seaweed products are a great source of Folic Acid. SoHealthy ranges seaweed products that will help you maintain the folic acid level in your body.

G- Garlic
Whether you love or hate garlic, you can’t deny it has lots of health benefits. But do you know why garlic is healthy? Garlic produces a chemical called allicin (which is also responsible for garlic’s smell) which makes garlic work and prevent and fight against certain conditions. Garlic has been used as traditional medicine for thousands of years now. It is a herb classified alongside onions and chives. Garlic is used to treat many conditions like high blood pressure, low blood pressure, heart disease, hay fever, flu, yeast infection and many more.
Besides these, some people also apply garlic to skins and nails to treat fungal infection, warts, corns, and hair to treat hair loss.
To help relieve respiratory tract infections and coughs, you can try the Low Odour Garlic Oil supplement from Enervite. This product also supports the cardiovascular system.
H- Honey
Honey bees produce honey from the nectar of flowers. It has been used as a sweetener by humans for the past couple of years. But it can also be used for coughs, diabetes, and cholesterol control. It is also used orally to heal wounds inside the mouth or in the throat.
Besides helping with coughing and being used as a sweetener, honey is also used in dressing wounds and healing burns. People also use it in soaps and fragrances for its moisturising properties. Manuka honey is another popular topic that is trending. It is specialised honey that is antibacterial and is bacterial resistant. This product is also effective for treating everything from sore throats to cleaning and clearing your skin.
Here is a more detailed guide to honey and how it can be used, and what to buy according to your needs.

I- Iodine
Iodine is something that the human body cannot produce naturally. It needs to be from a diet or supplement. Iodine is primarily present in the ocean. The human body needs to have a healthy amount of iodine as it reduces thyroid hormone and can kill fungus and bacterias.
The most significant source of Iodine is Iodised Salt (almost all the salts we buy in the supermarket are iodised). Seaweed is another excellent natural source of iodine. The most common symptom of iodine deficiency is an enlarged thyroid gland or also known as goitre.
Check out this seaweed salt with rainbow flakes from alg seaweed to boost iodine with a tasty serve.
We also sell different snacks which can provide you with a boost of iodine.
J- Jasmine
Jasmine is a plant, and its flowers, very well known for their beautiful scent, are used to make fragrance, lotions, soap, toothpaste, tea, and other beverages. But did you know that aside from the pleasant smell of Jasmine, it also provides many health benefits? The scent of Jasmine delivers a calm and nurturing, and relaxing environment. When consumed, Jasmine is believed to be used for liver diseases, liver pain, abdominal pain, and as a relaxation sedative. That is why you see so many tea brands have started using Jasmine in their tea. It is also believed that jasmine scent is also used to heighten sexual desire and used for cancer treatment and boost brain function. However, some of these properties don’t have enough evidence to rate the effectiveness.
If you need to feel relaxed and need to have an excellent relaxing time for yourself, check out our range of scented candles and diffusers with Jasmine in them.
If you need a calm, soothing hot beverage, you are in luck. Here is tea from our friends at Roogenic and The Rabbit Hole Tea.

K- Keratin
Chances are you probably have heard or seen the name keratin somewhere in a shampoo bottle or a shampoo ad or other hair cosmetics. You see keratin in all the hair care and nails products as it is the structural building block of your hair. Keratin is a very fibrous protein that makes up your hair, skin and nails and is a very protective protein that is less prone to scratching or tearing than other types of cells your body produces.
The advantages of using products with keratin are that it soothes down the cells that overlap and form your hair strands. These cells absorb the keratin and make the hair look full and glossy in appearance.
Since our body produces keratin, naturally, it does slow down as we age. Hence the thinning of hair, dry and brittle hair, split ends and many other issues. Keratin is naturally found in meat, fish, eggs, beans, quinoa etc., which can provide adequate keratin supply to the body to maintain keratin levels.
But as we age, the keratin production level in our body decreases as well. To regulate the levels of keratin in our body, So Healthy has brought to you this Bio Keratin Hair and Nail Treatment supplement from Enervite, an advanced blend of nutrients specifically designed to boost and maintain healthy hair.
L- Lemongrass
Similar to Eucalyptus, lemongrass is another plant whose leaves and oils are used to make medicine and are very versatile and used in different areas like medicine, essential oils, aromatherapy for muscle pain, fragrance in candles, perfumes and diffusers, beverages like tea and sodas, cooking, cleaning components, insect repellents and many more.
Lemongrass is very popular in Southeast Asian cuisines. They believe it is a very aromatic herb that helps in lightning meaty and oily dishes and removing strong seafood smells. Besides that, the people also believe in the potent medicinal properties that it possesses. It is believed that lemongrass is helpful in treating stomach ache, cough, fever, vomiting, and headache.
Now lemongrass is used worldwide, and people have increased its use from just cooking to more in herbal teas, scented candles and diffusers, soaps and conditioners and more importantly, in aromatherapies which help to relieve stress, anxiety and depression.
SoHealthy has many lemongrass-infused products. To see all of our products with lemongrass in them, click here.

M- Magnesium
Like calcium, magnesium is another mineral that is very important for the bone structure of the human body. It is required for the proper functioning and growth of the bones. Another importance of magnesium is that it helps to neutralise the acid in the stomach and helps with acidity and other stomach problems.
Magnesium deficiency is a common problem in women and can cause dizziness, high blood pressure, diabetes and strokes. Magnesium can be found in fibrous food naturally—nuts, seeds, wholegrain foods, dark leafy greens, dark chocolates and many more. They are also sold as supplements to meet people’s magnesium requirement.
Besides helping with bone functioning and stomach acidity, magnesium can also be used as a laxative for constipation. They are also used to treat ADHD, anxiety, leg cramps, PMS, asthma and many more.
Here is some tasty snack from alg seaweed that will keep your magnesium levels replenished.
N- Niacinamide/Nicotinamide
Niacinamide is also known as Nicotinamide, is a form of Vitamin B3. It is a water-soluble vitamin and is easily well absorbed when taken by mouth. It is required for the proper function of fats and sugar in the body. Nicotinamide is also helpful in treating skin conditions like eczema and acne and is associated with anti-aging products like NAD+ and NMN. It helps for cell repair and cell metabolism.
The body naturally produces niacinamide/Nicotinamide, but as we age, the process slows down, and we get a limited amount of these products naturally. The most common symptom of lack of Niacinamide/Nicotinamide is when the skin starts to age. That’s why Niacinamide/Nicotinamide is one of the most common products used in skincare and anti-ageing products.
Besides just skincare products, Niacinamide/Nicotinamide is also used for vitamin B3 deficiency, protecting the skin from toxins and pollutants, lowering blood pressure and many more.
At SoHealthy, we range of anti-ageing products containing Niacinamide/Nicotinamide supplements, which helps your skin repair and improve cellular function for more refreshing and reversible ageing effects.
We also have a buyers guide to buying NAD and NMN.

What if I am a vegan? Where can I get my omega 3 fatty acids from?
Besides fish, some nuts and seeds like flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts and soybean also have a high concentration of omega 3 acids.
O- Omega 3
Omega-3 are the fatty oils that are present in fish, fish oils supplements, walnuts, olive oils. Chances are you have heard about Omega 3 in the past and tried the fish oil supplement. But did you know why omega-3 oils are good for you? These Omega-3 oils are healthy fats that support brain function and also help with blood flow for a healthy heart.
The human brain is 60-70% fat, and of these, the most important ones are omega-3 fats. It is said that having sufficient omega-3 fats helps you to relieve stress and help with depression. Another good reason to have enough omega-3 in your body is that it works as a natural anticoagulant that keeps the blood from being sticky. They are great for your skin as they help increase the size of the skin barrier, which helps keep the pollutant and other nasty stuff out.
We know how good omega-3 is for our body, but what food contains omega 3?
It is mostly fish that contains omega 3 fatty acids—primarily cold water fishes like mackerel, salmon and Herrings.
Here are some of the products that we sell that contain omega 3 fatty acids.
We also sell vegan alternatives to this product—Australian Walnut Kernels.
P- Potassium
Potassium is an essential mineral for the human body. One of the significant functions that it plays in the human body is transmitting nerve signals and fluid balance. Potassium deficiency can cause hypokalemia which makes the muscle feel weak, cramp, and twitch. Usually, the cause of low potassium levels in a body is vomiting, diarrhoea, or diuretics.
Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of potassium. It can also be found in different foods like meat, fish, and soybeans and potatoes. Potassium supplements can also be found at pharmacies. Potassium is usually used to treat high-level calcium in the body, dizziness, and symptoms of menopause. Potassium is also used to prevent stroke and high blood pressure.
Here are some of the products that can help you maintain your potassium levels.

Q- Quercetin
Quercetin is a plant pigment that adds colours to many fruits and vegetables and is found in many plants like red wine grapes, green tea, onions, apples, berries. It has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It is most popular with people who have prostate pain and swelling.
Besides having good antioxidant properties, it also supports heart health and brain health. They are also used in sports drinks which are used to increase endurance and improve athletic performance.
R- Reishi
Reishi Mushroom often dubbed as “The mushroom of immortality”, is a type of fungi that grows in scorching climates around Asia. And has been used as a medicine in the eastern culture for a very long time. It is regarded as a symbol of health, longevity, success and power. It has a tough and woody texture with a bitter taste. It is said that the Reishi mushroom contains chemicals that seem to have a variety of potentially beneficial effects.
Reishi Mushroom is used for ageing, boosting the immune system, flu, blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma and many more. They are used with other herbs and can be used to treat viruses and cold sores.
LifeCykel has come out with an organic Reishi Mushroom Powder supplement that you can add to your smoothies, hot drinks or other recipes.
If you want to learn more about the mushroom, read our article: MAD ABOUT MUSHROOM.

S- Sodium
Sodium is a very reactive chemical that is not found in a free state; it is always mixed with something or salt. Most of the sodium that our body receives comes from table salt (sodium chloride). Our body needs sodium to prevent kidney toxicity. Sodium also helps the body to balance levels of fluids and electrolytes in the body. Another use for sodium is being used as Saline (sodium chloride solution) for conjunctivitis, mouth sores, sore throat etc.
However, an increased level of sodium can increase the risk of high blood pressure and dehydration.
If you are looking for a product with low-level sodium that still helps you with a balanced diet, try this Iodised Sea Weed salt from alg seaweed.
T- Taurine
Taurine is an amino acid, a chemical that required building blocks of protein and helped grow and repair tissues in the body. Taurine is found in large amounts in the brain, retina, heart and blood cells.
As you probably have seen, taurine is present in many energy drinks as a marketing gimmick to make it sound healthy and easy to build protein. Taurine is also added to infant formulas as babies cannot generate taurine themselves, and cows milk doesn’t have enough taurine. The other uses are for people who are being tube-fed, so it is added to nutritional products they use.
Taurine also helps to treat high blood pressure, liver disease, cholesterol, epilepsy etc.
Kangaroo Essence supplement by Enervite is a supplement to provide vitality and strength, utilising the rich proteins and minerals for daily metabolic activity. It also contains a fair amount of taurine.

U- Usnea
Algae and fungus have been one of the hot topics in the health-conscious sector recently. But what about Usnea? Usnea is a combination of fungus and algae that grow together, which looks like tree moss. Sometimes also called “old man’s beard”, They contain ingredients that fight germs that cause infection. Usnea has a variety of uses in the medical field. It is used for weight loss, pain relief, fever control and wound healing.
Usnea can be applied directly to the skin. The Usnic Acid derived from the usnea can be found in soaps, toothpaste, sunscreen and deodorants etc.
V- Valerian
Valeria is a herb whose root is used to make medicine. It is widespread among people who have sleep disorders, insomnia. They are usually combined with lemon balms or hops that can cause drowsiness. Besides sleeping disorders, it can also be used to treat anxiety, stress, asthma, muscle and joint pain.
It acts as a sedative on the brain and the nervous system. This is the reason why some people face headaches, and dizziness and drowsiness.
If you are struggling with sleep and looking for a more straightforward formula, you can try the sleep enhancement supplement by Enervite. It has Kava in it and also includes valerian and hops.

W- Whey Protein
Whey protein is the protein made from the watery portion of the milk that separates from curd when making cheese. It is one of the most common products used in protein shakes and as an alternative to milk for people with lactose intolerance. Many athletes also use it as it contains less amount of fat.
Whey Protein is a very high-quality protein that aids in weight loss, promotes muscle growth, and helps lower blood pressure. Many athletes and bodybuilders use whey protein supplements to meet their protein requirements.
This slim shake uses whey protein and is 5 health star rated. It is also GI friendly and diabetes-friendly.
X- Xylitol
Xylitol is a naturally occurring alcohol that is found in most fruit and vegetables. One of the most common uses of Xylitol is used as a sugar substitute in sugar-free gums and used as a substitute for sugar for people with diabetes. It also has 40% fewer calories than sugar.
Xylitol is sweet like sugar, but it does not convert into acid-like sugar that causes tooth decay when ingested. Another health benefit of Xylitol is that it increases collagen production, which reduces your risk of osteoporosis.

Y- Yerba Mate
Yerba Mate or known as “mate”, is a plant used to make medicine. It is also used to make tea-like beverages with coffee-like properties, which are very popular in South America. It contains caffeine and other chemicals which stimulate the brain, heart, muscles and other parts of the body and is very similar to coffee.
It is becoming a trendy way to boost energy and focus energy. It is like a post-yoga matcha date. Some of the benefits of this drink are that it helps with constipation, protects against free radicals, lowers cholesterol, improves workout performances and strengthens the immune system.
We don’t range any yerba mate yet, but we still have an incredible range of tea that you can enjoy.
Z- Zinc
Zinc is a mineral that is necessary for human health. It is called an “essential trace element” similar to sodium. The human body does not store any excess zinc. And it needs to be consumed as a regular dietary supplement. Zinc is naturally found in grains, legumes, shellfish, red meat and poultry. And can also be found as supplements in the pharmacy. It plays a crucial role in maintaining vision and is present in high concentration in the eyes.
Zinc is essential for protecting your body from cold and keeping your immune system intact. Zinc deficiency can also cause a reduced ability to taste food. For children, zinc deficiency can also cause stunted growth, common cold and flu. Men also take Zinc for male fertility problems as well as erectile dysfunction.
Besides ingesting, Zinc is also applied to the skin to treat acne, ageing skin, rash and other infections. Zinc is also used in toothpaste, mouthwash, and chewing gums.

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